

Happy Chinese New Year to all chinese around the globe and may this year of rabbbit will give a prosper
feng hsui. :) Well,just to say that i also have like maybe 25% of Chinese blood where my great grandmother on my dad's side is a chinese who converted to islam. On the other hand, i just for a couple of next few hours i will be off to Ipoh , not to celebrate CNY but to grace a wonderful going-to-be ceremony of merisik. Well it's not me who's going to be dirisik but my aunt, miss Shahna Saruji. merisik is a traditional culture of Malays which to ask for hand of a flower ( the daughter of a family) either she's taken or not and to discuss formally about wedding dates and hantaran (trays of gifts) . So basically, it's just a small event that will lead to another BIGGER event in someone's life history :)