

long time no blog.ngeehee.. The result had got out last week. Alhamdulillah..always be grateful with your GPA because that reflects your effort and the fate that Allah has given to us.. to Uzair and to myself. we did great, i mean both of us, Uzair and I as we helped each other through the ups and downs.. along with our housemates. our houses just have chemistry between the people in these two houses..haha.funny but it is.. I had so many stressful events these days.. mainly, money, relationship, and personal health problems. Now i know how it feels like to be so skint, seeing things but not be able to have it. Christmas is coming ahead in a few days, not that im celebrating it, but i will be celebrating the Christmas Sale feast! haha.. i always love christmas sales.. all pretty pretty things brought out, at low prices.. just so wonderful =,)

for now.. unfortunately, i am in a cold fever. it has been two days, and this is the second time i fall sick since i have been into college. so sadd... i  miss ibu (mum). Ibu will always be there by my side, making porridge, and as i am getting bigger, she doesnt care much as she has other priorities to be taken care of ,im okay with it,but having her around in my sight is just fine for me. i love her..the best mother anyone could have. sometimes, we quarrel over disagreement of something, but because she views things, as an experienced viewer.. i should trust her better i know. but what i am glad here, she accepts me for whoever i am. also, ayah.. they both treat me the  kindest rational way a parent should care. my parents are not the same as others, but i believe that every other parents would want the same thing from their child. to this pair of parents, scolding them this way is a better way.but for some they think no, it is suppose to be done this way. but the goal, is always the same. to raise their child to be a good man ,that serve benefits to the society and play his role as a khalifah Allah on this world. together, let us give the best to our parents while they are alive, maximize your effort and time for them.

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