
amazing mind

I am not that good in putting things in words, but korang kena baca magazine IMAN. no hesitation taw.. mind you guys. yes, it is quite more expensive than the other magazines but if you can afford novels sampai puluh ratus ringgit takkan this RM7 je magazine pun nak berkira.. :)

lagi satu, what I had learned, about the unconscious mind in our minds.. ALL this while, whener my psychology lecturer, dearest Mrs. Tanu, will say:

"It is always there.. it is THERE (high pitch) in your mind in your brain.. in your unconscious mind part.. "

Me : ZZzzz... always tidur in class.

TAPI. it is TRUE !!

kenapa taw.. I found a short video on a headline in Buletin Utama at TV3, about a 17 year old girl who was knocked off in an accident, by a truck, suddenly has this ability to converse other languages which she had never learnt it before! amazing tak?? this is call xenoglossy.. (this is based to what I had googled lah).. correct me if im wrong..tapi cool. so betul lah.. it is there in our brain ,either beign activated or suppressed je...

Kesimpulannya, yakinlah dengan pembacaan kita. Lapangkanlah dada kita..Ilmu tu masuk, tapi minta Allah to open up our hearts to the learning :)

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