

after back to back exams and quizzes in college, I am now fully  (two third actually), FREEEE from all the worries I have to burden myself with study, sleepless nights and stressful health complications.. ( i have secrets worries minding not to post it :P)

hibernating myself at home, sleeeeeeeeeeeeeppp compensating the energy I had lost to
[refer above paragraph].

so anyway anyhow nyahaaa, it had been five days I am at home. many things I had loong wished to do.. I had went to the Kamal's bookstore to redeem my friends' and my voucher. some splurge themselves with novels  and stationaries but I opted to invest it on medical books and spiritual needs as for time being these are the most vital things that are in red alarm..

today, I just had my 14th, i repeat FOURTEENTH slice of Hotel Reinassance's moist chocolate cake and I have absolutely NO REGRETS!!! because i finally got to be myself again after several months starving myself because people in Penang do not eat much and it scares me how my eating habit all this while was it that monster? O.O and I think it's a good think though I got to save some penny eventhough I do not see any refinement in my financial wise.

so yesterday, I cooked laksa!! traditional food that has many versions of it by states,

Johor Laksa style (mee-spaghetti, kuah(gravey)-heavy and saturated with fish)

Kuala kangsar style-mee is made of rice flour very thick one

penang style- the kuah is dilute and the locals prefer having it with otak udang (salty spicy ketchup)

my laksa was penang style, but it was ok lah.. pass lah tu. haha. at least i had two bowls of it, which is considered so-so la.

today, my mum cooked kuah masak lemak ketam, sayur kailan, ikan potong, udang goreng, cheese nugget. before i had my dinner, I had one bowl of rice kellogg's with goodday milk in bottle!!! OH jyeeeeaahh.. lama tak minum in bottle, it tastes different then the one that is UHT and HTST :P

 I also had been stuffing myself with TGV popcorn ( ibu beli one pile of extra caramel popcorn when i said one pile, i really mean it) , stock of popcorn is flooding the kitchen compartment like seriously! xD
*ok sy exaggerate itu *

oleh kerana ada rasa menyesal di situ, ( as I think popcorn is not that worth digested), so I decided to join my mum at gym and I burnt 120+ calories.. yeay.. a good start for lazy bumps like me :DD
I texted my dearest ujer, and he said " 100+ ? xcukup lagi tu.. xsama dgn calories of the cakes I had " -.-

so ,ending up my entry today with a piece of advice to all of you out there,

EAT WHILE YOU CAN.. think of people who are starving in other nations, and we chose to tolak rezeki? and if possible, share your excitement of baking something, or cooking something with others, your neighbours or friends, give them have a try on some of your lucky pots.. ;)

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