

it's a cubical shaped office located in a compound of a factory by a gigantic empire company,named 52 years ago, SHINETSU. yes, it's a japanese company and i was in luck,to have the chance to be part of the working team in HR unit.. My first week was a total thrill.. as in, at first,i was excited. Cudn't wait to go to work,cudn't wait to meet new people, cudn't wait,cudn't wait, cudn't wait. But i didn't know where did i go wrong, but i suddenly had fallen deep down into the hollow of my bones for i was so suffocated with timidity. Only GOD knew how i felt.. i was so scared even when i had to go to the restroom! It was nothing unusual actually,shish stupid me.. Eventhou i noe it's normal for people to be curious to noe who is the new staff what so ever but i cudnt help... Let the situation of not-be-friending with anyone engulfing me.. but however, i managed to get it over. One of them is i confided my aunt, what actly yang berbeka di hati saya..haha.i cried,cried, and cried.. then i felt better.she gave me suggestions based on her experience..along with prayers and her tips,i tried.. alhamdulillah.. SO, the moral of the story, sometimes things will not relli happen as we expected in such a way.. but maybe GOD just want to test us,which path and which decision are we heading to..because one yes or one no, will make a whole lot difference to our life.. Thus, think before we act,be true to yourself, & never do forget to pray and seek help from God..

P.S.: credits to Uncle Azri, Encik Ikmal Hisham (for accepting me), & to my one and only MUM & DAD who had done so many sacrifice for me, Zairis Shahnum & Ahmad Yusri .. also,not forgetting to my teammates at HR unit, Kak Ina, Kak Su & Abg Zul, and again, others as well :)


how to forget someone and move on?

  1. Cry baby cry it out LOUD for once and for all. it's okay to let it out, also you can write, share it with someone that would not betray you say, your sister?
  2. keep yourself busy. Do chores ,homeworks, find a thing to do. this can draw your focus on doing something else rather than mourning over your break up.
  3. Hang out with your friends. Friends can liften up your mood and support you during this kind of hard time because that is what do friends do.
  4. stay away from that person. seriously, you might act up beyond what you thought like hooking up back with him/her or throwing a vase to that person.
  5. Last but not least,channel your revenge by improving yourself in your appearance aspects, skills or even your feeling towards that person. Scream to him/her in silence that you had supa relli moved on .
My last advice is, please.Never screw up the time of your life over something unworthy like the person who dumped you or you dumped. YOUR life is just once, make the best of it. adios :)

happy befday adam

Might have be a very bad idea of doing tuition. The feedback was like sloth.. which is soooo devastating -___- but anw, I manage to get a BIG hit on my sales.. today tok is still undergoing his surgical procedures .. which initiated last night but still unconscious.. tok was confirmed to have kidney failure yesterday after making his medical check up as suggested by ayah.. he threw up roughly 11 times per day for 4 days in a row and excreted anything dat goes in even mineral water! He looked extremely pale and skinny than before… I have to say that he is sure a very strong man for he is able to walk and entertained visitors who came over to visit him while he was still attached to the tubing thingy aiding his energy. ( I dunno what is it called) he relli didn’t hve to do all that though , he still performed courtesy to others..

p.s.- hppy 15th befday to my brader Ahmad Adam on JAN 17



okay..so this happend to be my VERY first blog.. after so many years of yearning to have one actually but so scared if i would not be able to give commitment to it , i finally decided to make it happen this year. im hoping and eyeing for my blog for the next ten years to be still updated from time to time .. this blog i have to say that i thank to all of the respected individuals significantly who foster me to do blogging..(sounds weird but i greatly gratified them ! ) so, i hereby ,listing all of my plannings for this blog.. but im not hoping or expecting anyone to read.i solely do this for self-satisfaction, and also to help myself to see my pace of life,knowledge and wise.. ok enuf wif ol those Einsteins-words-of-quotation -like. let's just get it straight to the point.. ok my future blog of this WILL consist of..

food & places-this includes home recipes, places for you to go if ur on go to smewhere,..

entertainment-majorly on musics, tv shows, movies, books,fashions,..

life & health- relationships, advices, other people's stories ,diet,..

religion and inspiration - quotations, verses,..

knowledge & career - jobs, studies, courses,..

general - wonders of the world, people, wars,...

so,those are my planning. i know by this, wether i will be having readers or not, i will have an obligation to keep myself updated to current issues and to keep on filling informative informations to my blog. hope to blog again soon xoxo
year taken : 1997
in picture : me at five