

okay..so this happend to be my VERY first blog.. after so many years of yearning to have one actually but so scared if i would not be able to give commitment to it , i finally decided to make it happen this year. im hoping and eyeing for my blog for the next ten years to be still updated from time to time .. this blog i have to say that i thank to all of the respected individuals significantly who foster me to do blogging..(sounds weird but i greatly gratified them ! ) so, i hereby ,listing all of my plannings for this blog.. but im not hoping or expecting anyone to read.i solely do this for self-satisfaction, and also to help myself to see my pace of life,knowledge and wise.. ok enuf wif ol those Einsteins-words-of-quotation -like. let's just get it straight to the point.. ok my future blog of this WILL consist of..

food & places-this includes home recipes, places for you to go if ur on go to smewhere,..

entertainment-majorly on musics, tv shows, movies, books,fashions,..

life & health- relationships, advices, other people's stories ,diet,..

religion and inspiration - quotations, verses,..

knowledge & career - jobs, studies, courses,..

general - wonders of the world, people, wars,...

so,those are my planning. i know by this, wether i will be having readers or not, i will have an obligation to keep myself updated to current issues and to keep on filling informative informations to my blog. hope to blog again soon xoxo
year taken : 1997
in picture : me at five

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