
happy befday adam

Might have be a very bad idea of doing tuition. The feedback was like sloth.. which is soooo devastating -___- but anw, I manage to get a BIG hit on my sales.. today tok is still undergoing his surgical procedures .. which initiated last night but still unconscious.. tok was confirmed to have kidney failure yesterday after making his medical check up as suggested by ayah.. he threw up roughly 11 times per day for 4 days in a row and excreted anything dat goes in even mineral water! He looked extremely pale and skinny than before… I have to say that he is sure a very strong man for he is able to walk and entertained visitors who came over to visit him while he was still attached to the tubing thingy aiding his energy. ( I dunno what is it called) he relli didn’t hve to do all that though , he still performed courtesy to others..

p.s.- hppy 15th befday to my brader Ahmad Adam on JAN 17

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