
9 Months Goals

Ok..It's not im pregnant for God sake im still a virgin. This NINE months are the processes i will do to achieve THREE things i have ever wanted the most at the moment.
- Super Rajinness in all aspects.
- IELTS have to go beyond band 7 (9.0 probably?)
- 42 KG!!
i had spent a lot and when i mean a lot it was BERJUTA cents for just this whole week. i went out to warung ikan bakar ( grilled fish restaurant) for lunch, char kuey teow sg.Dua, secret recipe, KFC, and manyak lagi roti canai nasi lemak ontah bape kali den pusing >.< (bahase nogori pon boleh)
Yesterday my ibu called me, reminding me to take a good care of my health, watch out for my eating habits and not to put on weight no more like i did last time (my weight rose by 8 kg last time , imagine) . Then the day before my nek called me reminding the same thing. It's a call for a healthier living!!
say yes, to healthy lifestyle.
ceywahh :P Happy Vegitating!


i love AUCMS

haha.ok..ok.urm..where to start ah?

R E A S O N S .

1.Classes are ONLY from Monday to Thursday( comprising lectures, tutorial and practical ) YES YES!!! EXACTLY!! =D  ok sgt over.. this means..... that we are FREE Friday-Sunday.

(4 days,so what to do?!) :P


                                                    GO SHOPPING!

2.My batch has 4 groups, 4 different schedules, and i must say that i LOVEE mine hehe. >:)
Most of the days, my class ends early..

3. this place means a lot to me and i know im going to miss this place. I have met my long lost sekolah agama (religion school) friend , Fatimah Azzahra, who is now my roommate.

4.Another SOMEONE special is someone who knows just the right thing to do when im in need of something. I am praying for the best to this relationship, hope it will last forever and always.

5.  FOOD. one of the main reason.should be at the top of this list -.- HEAVEN GILERR.

my main reason to this post is to post reasons i love aucms. *mark that. :)

have a nice day everyone!

p/s: if you are reading this , say it out loud i love TEMPOYAK! hehe :)


krazie wiken @_@

okay,firstly..it had been a while i had not blog. This post might be black, or white, boring and dull, but for what is happening to me right now since my last post to this day, i must say my path was rainbowed. :)

enuf with it, i wud like to share some videos of our journey to Penang Island last Saturday along with my friends,specifically (Ujer,Mun,Thay,Syahirah,Nawal,Bit,Mar,Zahin,Abul and Izzul)..
It was the best moment of all outing i had been to and i am also glad that my parents are okay with it. Do not worry ibu and ayah, i will take a good care of myself ;)


1. Pantai Merdeka, Kedah (1.5hrs)
2.Queensbay Mall, Penang (5 hrs)
3. Oldest Indian Surau (built in 1800)(0.5hr)
4.The famous Nasi Kandar Line Clear(0.75hr)
5.Bukit Bendera(0.25hr)

 10 a.m. - 10.30 p.m.

i know that the total hours did not sum up the time 10 am to 10 pm because we got sesat (lost) for nearly one hour in between our journey from number 4 to number 5 ,plus the hours on the road..so,happy watching the video!

pantai merdeka

line clear-kapitan, line clear-kapitan

nak tengok pon boleh, tanak tengok pon takpa.

A Fresh Start

Thanks to Ujer.
I finally remember that I actually own a blog.
How silly is that?!

So, after asking for Ujer a major changes.
This is it. My new blog layout.

It's not much, and will be learning more on how to blog.

toodles. :)