
9 Months Goals

Ok..It's not im pregnant for God sake im still a virgin. This NINE months are the processes i will do to achieve THREE things i have ever wanted the most at the moment.
- Super Rajinness in all aspects.
- IELTS have to go beyond band 7 (9.0 probably?)
- 42 KG!!
i had spent a lot and when i mean a lot it was BERJUTA cents for just this whole week. i went out to warung ikan bakar ( grilled fish restaurant) for lunch, char kuey teow sg.Dua, secret recipe, KFC, and manyak lagi roti canai nasi lemak ontah bape kali den pusing >.< (bahase nogori pon boleh)
Yesterday my ibu called me, reminding me to take a good care of my health, watch out for my eating habits and not to put on weight no more like i did last time (my weight rose by 8 kg last time , imagine) . Then the day before my nek called me reminding the same thing. It's a call for a healthier living!!
say yes, to healthy lifestyle.
ceywahh :P Happy Vegitating!

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