

IELTS is just around the corner..not just, but two days ahead oredi laaa T__T nebes, nervous.. I am not really prepared for writing task 1 because I am sooo worried to know what pattern of question that might come out. eventhough I know task 1 contributes one third of the total marks, but that is not an excuse for me not to take a deep through in it. the total of weeks and the intensity of fights Uzair and I had been encountering is inversely proportional to the attention given to each other had drove me lethargic and bored. I am sick of fighting, who does not? but the problem is, we had back to back busy schedules that I am yearning for more time to fool around with him. my relationship with him is more like a crazy type, not a boring old ways of kita sayang awak awak sayang kita NOoooooo. we are KRAZIE-ly in love with each other's krazieness, and when one day without a text from him makes me feel "dia dah lupa kita ke ? :(".. and I put away my ego and texted him first. he had changed.. I doubt his feelings lately.. I am sorry. I really am. everytime i asked myself, dia lupa kita ke, i will knocked off some sense in my head and think, oh.. kalau itu pun nak tanya, yang kalau kita tak rindu kat Allah macam rindu dia tak sedih pulak? then I will stop complaining that he forgets me and live my life as how it is. But I am sorry I cant help from not being spoilt and sulky all the time and I understand why you had no clue because I had never told you that all I want was your attention.

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