
battlefield I

sekarang tengah exam first semester. Yesterday was mathematics..it was AWESOME. ok tipu.

the soalan was bloody hell susah, did not expect it to be that hard but i guessed that i had done my best ,i prayed hard during the exam for the last four questions i left not remembering the formula..i recited every salawat as i could, and Alhamdulillah..i got it all right Insyaallah.. but except for the fact that the last question i left i did not have much time to finish it then the Madam already put on her hoarses "PUT YOUR PENCILS ALL DOWN". great... tawakkaltu A'llallah..

this morning is going to be English,which i am not sure what do i have to study. not that i am great enough, but i have tried. but i never know what to study english when there is no litterature. during high school years,litterature is just the part that i hated the most sorry no offence but im nto really good in reading things between the lines not to mention the classic words used, to me incomprehensive..why do people have to force me to understand the stanza as how we are supposely to understand?why am i imposed to do that so? i thought that art and poetry are something that we define it ourselves..you on your first place (poet) are trying hard not to get people to understand the message arent you? the harder to understand the more artistic you are.. but i have studied a bit like the format, patterns of writing..

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) ,that's what i am taking. :) wish me luck!

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