
Perkara di rumah.

Mengikut Akta Nyapo 10/11,  Perkara di rumah , adalah berhak bagi individu bergelar "Kakak",
untuk mendominasi :-
tv, arahan dan permintaan destinasi untuk keluar rumah (e.g. Tesco,Giant atau pasar tani)

Namun begitu, i was being feelingless for the few days i was at home.what did i do?

                                                                        Tidur kuasa 2.

that was my main activity. sampingan bersama keluargakuu :)

                         [bersama aisyah bushuk, ibu (tangan at right) & shahna (tangan at left)]

ok im a newbie to the blogging world..so sorry lah i taktaw nak move kan  to bubuh caption -.- but the chronology goes like this......

after the ice cream part, ada kerusi, and aisyah under the pokok asking why goyang? hehe.
and kerusi-kerusi futuristic modern gitu... apple desktops and the rest! itu adalah di library ... :) library shah alam, at KGSAAS... hadiah from sultan to rakyat jelata negeri Selangor..cost RM 70 Million! niceee... terima kasih tuanku!! :D

then itu gambar ayah and Adam dinner.. di mana saya jumpe ramai classmates saya like shissshhh!!! why now??? tgh gemuk !! segan.. heheh :P

lastly,adalah drawing aisyah ..."My family" ;)

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