
How many times do I smile while I am crying inside?

It's so much frustrating, dissapointing and Exhausting. I am punctured. It was just about the trip that got me so snappy and I suppose next time around, I am sorry. I dah tawar hati nak jalan dengan anda kalian. I dont hate you guys, but I am just DEEPLY dissapointed. Aren't friends suppose to walk side by side? Aren't friends suppose to carry the workload together?

How funny just a single twitch of tense you got so stressed out. Dahlaa.. malas nak bincang. malas.. tanak cakap. dah..aku tension. marah. nak nangis. I am not belittling you, but compared to mine, Sikit je your task.

Have you imagine being at my place? now now, don't compare my situation with Palestinians or Syrians at war I know and I acknowledge their difficulties are far different than what I am facing. but I cari ticket, I keep up,I have to convince my parents, I have to put away my needs and studies, I do the worries like mums and dads, I find a stay, I find a solution, I find the difficulties and the I foresee the worst caase scenario so we will be able to prepare. I...I.. Where is 'WE'??
pastu gelak tawa. senang je duduk dalam bilik belajar, tengok korea.. I?

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