
Nighttime awakening

Im not talking about solat sunat tahajjud, but my breathing problem!

Last night, I wasn't sure what time did I finally manage to sleep because many times I was reflexed to awake, because I could not breathe. I don't have nose clog or anything just somehow my breathing seems not to be sufficed, it feels like the air is not reaching my head and I get minor headache for it. I am not feeling content with my breathing. I had to sit at night on my bed, just to restore my breathe.

Before this in Malaysia, I had the same problem but seldom got awake at night for this.I just have to wait for myself to yawn ( I dont make up the yawn, it will come automatically)  during the day when I suddenly could not breathe. A few things I had learn through my course  like sleep apnea, blabla.. but I dont think that's my problem because Sleep apnea involves snoring and I don't snore.

I will definitely consult a doctor.

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