
gigi lagi

last Thursday my housemates and I went back to Shah Alam by KTM (kereta api malaysia), technically starting our day on Friday, with Mcdonald as breakfast treat by Shahna (aunt) and went straight to home, refreshing my self, at 3 p.m. had to rush off to Sunway as I had appoinment with dentist. my wisdom tooth teeth, made terrible aching but these two wont ever gonna beat the first one naa'ah..anyway anyhow, i was not feeling well jugak. as i dont know.. terok sgt my tummy was bergelora, my head was extremely dizzy, i felt like throwing up. funny thing,the minute i sampai je the clinic, i teros yelled out toilet mana??? ran teros ke toilet,and urhhh...ok tak jadi. my procedure dah delay dah...kesian the next patient.. my duration dah overlapped..

so, sampai rumah,after puking banyak kali, i started rasa nak demam. so ok, saket gigi + threw up + and demam + and angin sangat perot.. the next day, i went out KLCC for movie Puss in Boots with my family.. cerita dia,hurmm..it was okay lah. Recommending those yang belum tengok lagi,just wait for it to come out at Disney jela okay ;) so, makan popcorn macam tak ingat saya muntah semalam, and had the most pricey popcorn i had ever bought in my life :

Garrett popcorn: cheesecorn popcorn 
RM 31

ridiculous... but belom cuba belum tahu right ? : )

available in four flavours,go on check them at KLCC, just next to surau.. sape tak tahu surau mana memang tak semayang lah kan -.-
how about next to Haagen dasz? yup..it is over there. i forgot to snap a picture of the line people are willing to queue so looooong Zigzag-ly with the cheapest one at RM 16.. fuhh O_O 
[i was not the one who queued..]

and, i was hoping really hoped that i would not bump onto someone that i would know.. but things suka nak jadi jugak kan.because my cheek was swollen and a bit bloating view from side.(sebab cabut gigi,remember)..it was Sharif, my penang friend,i was sooo terrified gile tak tipu -.- malu i could not smile actually, and talk and do anything that requires me to stretch my lips ( it will move my gums) or opening mouth so big(disrupting my jammed jaw)

okay, i know i merapu terlebih.. one thing yang x merapu, during my holidays, i really..........badly.....missing this guy over here---->

now dah balik penang. but i am soo homesick ;( i dont know why...sgt rindu ibu ayah,rumah..bilik..semua..! but mission...kena ingat.huh.ok..bangun!!


crazy night

series of crazy songs mun, ima and I danced to this night. it was AWESOME!!! i love this night. girls' craziest night haha.  thay walked into our dance floor ( my crazy disco room with  invisible flashy light) and seeing us acting like monkeys jumping on the bed. one went down and two are left. two monkeys jumping on the bed. one went down and one sweat like river! haha.. fun time ;) <3



i am getting more boring and boring each day. i have begin to lose my sense of humour. i am depressed. 



maaf lah saya perempuan. maaflah saya lemah, maka menangis juga sudah sebati dengan kulit pipiku.

maaf lah saya naif. maaflah saya tidak mengerti, bagaimana sesuatu perkara itu boleh berlaku tanpa sebab.

maaflah saya manusia. maaflah saya tidak sempurna, apabila saya bertindak sesuatu tanpa menyedari kesan dan akibatnya.

tidak pernah saya berniat untuk berkasar dengan sesiapa, tapi kalau gelas pun boleh terpecah, inikan pula adab yang dipengaruhi emosi dan nafsu. 

masalahku bertimbun. rasa nak campak ke lantai, nanti terpijak, nak baling ke dinding, takut berderai,nak kutip balik satu hal. masalah oh masalah.. 

hatta. macam mana? U, FA dan FE. tiga-tiga sahabat aku sayang. mangsa seorang lagi hamba Allah, sahabat serumah, sahabat berjenaka, dan tidak berdosa, maaf aku terhempas gelas atas meja. aku kehilangan kekuatan untuk bercerita, untuk minta pendapat. aku dah tak mampu untuk nak pegang lagi dah sehinggakan beratnya terasa milo ais yang tidak ada ais itu aku pegang, sampai TAM! aku terhempas ke atas meja. engkau tidak tahu, tidak patut aku layan sahabat yang macam engkau macam ni. aku sungguh berdosa pada ramai orang. aku berdosa pada kamu. pada anda semua.


worth of 10 Ringgit Malaysia joy :)

Yesterday was supposed to be housemates outing. Turned out to be almost everyone made double-date, prompted me to drag Ujer along with the trip. Supposedly, not. So, as usual, we shop separately and the coolest thing i had bought, was a shelve! Wohoo.. finally my study table looks a lot more spacious than it was before. My mind always got wired to see things mess up all over the place, but one thing for sure, not my study table and wardrobe..na’ah. it’s like one cubical room taken out from my heart, extracted physically in the form of study table and wardrobe. Okay what the goldfish am i merapu ni. Do you know that goldfish has a memory span of only two seconds?
Anyway, the incredible miraculous part that happen yesterday was, i actually assembled 98% of everything myself! I could not believe it because we are not talking about Ikea’s where you have tutorial ,we are talking about RM 10 Jusco shelve! That’s why i bought it. Cheapest one, available in green only which matches with my notes board which is okay lah.. not bad. One shelve is enough to stack my scanner that took up half the space of my study table.


AK Flight relive :)

AK Flight. Nothing much i can say but grateful and thanking Allah for granting my dua' also Uzair for helping in my situation with AK Flight. yesterday, 10th November 2011, marked the day we finally broke everything up into what had been kept frozen in our hearts. i dont know what it was to her, but i felt so relieved. i love her as a friend i would not mind if it would not be the same as how it was back then but as long as between she and I, there will be no more hiding truth, no more hesitation to greet or smile, no more running away. i kept evading her. i could not help myself. i would be so torn seeing her laughing, but not with me.talking, but not to me. sharing, but not with me. she is funny, i am nothing. she is good in basketball, i suck. but i love her as a friend, i like to be taught, not to teach. here, at the early semester, we share best guy friend, Uzair. it was so much fun seeing them exchange jokes,haha, they always made up jokes. it was awesome and i love the memories that we had ,the three of us together.:)

 i never left anyone else behind eventhough i am now in a special relationship with Uzair. take my housemates as a proof. i treat them as my family, we quarrel like hell, we laugh together like there is no tomorrow, but we always do love each other i know that, we sense that, but never that good in expressing it towards each other (we express in texting :P), like a family.

i thought she left me because of i do not suit her comfort. but it's okay, as long as everything is back to normal.

i know she is tough, i am not sure if she feels the same way as i do.


nasi minyak

 nasi minyak. not oiled rice..nor butter rice. just nasi minyak..usually cook on weddings,aqiqah ( a hair-cutting ritual for the newly born baby) or etc.. so anyway,this afternoon i was like

saya: now?
dia: no no..wait tengah unpack lagi.
saya: okay okay.. takpe take your time and get some rest dulu. 

5minutes later
saya: now?
dia: jap ana..saya still tengah unpack.nanti saya call.
saya: okay okay..

10 minutes later 
hati saya: lamanya dia unpack barang dia

20 minutes later
saya: now? 
dia: err..ana.<ketawa kecil>..nanti saya telefon.tengah kemas-kemas lagi ni..sabar eyh.

i was so impatient because i missed him of course and i want nasi minyak!

the phone rang. brrp. brrp.

 eyes membulat. NASI MINYAK! jumped off my bed and


 ran down the stairs and bam! nasi minyak at doorstep :DD it's very kind of his mum to give some for me and not to mention it was a lot!

we exchange food/drink..he gave me nasi minyak and i gave him Arab imported mango drink.. and makan and minumlah kami di habitat masing-masing..end of story. sounds nonsense mutation ? :P


10 Zulhijjah 1432H


raya always come in package.. raya + food.. duniawi-ly lah.. what i had the minute i start my day to now i am doing my typing sekarang is as usual, nasi impit, lampung, lemang, lemang jagung, steamboat, i ate my sixth caramel bowl that my mum made.. SANGAT IRRESISTABLE. lagi, 2 ketul ayam, banana split lagi and nasi tomato and 2 slices of chocolate cake and small slices of Sarawak cake.. i am a heavy food eater you just have to know it. SANGAT passionate in food, and my mum is constantly worrying about me..imagine i can makan cakes like makan nasi. It is no kidding... also,the highest number of pieces i went for pizza in one shot is ELEVEN PIECES. have my parents to prove it..terok. i know..purpose cerita ni?

to tengok my progress..how can i ubah myself untuk tolong lah please change my eating habits because my metabolism rate, i tahu it is not that efficient no more so i have to change..sangat. kena. kena ada support. ujer had given me enough support but i myself suka deviate.. urgh.ok.end of today merapu-ness.  tapi raya is tetap raya.kena celebrate okay! ;)


aisyah and nurin 

jom buat.!

bersihkan kidney anda dengan kos yang murah, sihat dan secara organik!
A bunch of parsley (rinse to clean)
cut in small pieces and put it in a pot + pour in clean water
boil ten mintues
leave it to cool then filter
refrigerate and urinate! :D
parsley is one of the best cleansing treatment for kidney and you just have to try it!


 Umatmu adalah umat yang terakhir dan terlalu dha’if, maka berdoalah untuk umatmu. Suruhlah umatmu menanam tanaman syurga iaitu ‘la haula wa la quwwata illa billah’” Mengikut riwayat lain, Nabi Ibrahim AS bersabda, “Sampaikan salamku kepada umatmu dan beritahu mereka, syurga itu baik tanahnya, tawar airnya dan tanamannya ialah lima kalimah, iaitu: ‘suhanallah, walhahamdulillah, wa la ilah illa allah, wallahu akbar, wa la haula wa la quwwata illa billahil ‘aliyyil azim’. Bagi orang yang membaca setiap kalimah ini akan ditanamkan sepohon pokok dalam syurga”. 


slimming tips

okay. Firstly, mark this, it does not mean i am posting this i buat, i am just sharing what i know and see what i can tolong untuk kita sama-sama mengelokkan anugerah Allah dah bagi kat kita..sebab setiap perempuan is mahal in their own way ;)

this is a list of home tips i could get from my family and friends and pengalaman la kan...

1. makan plenty of bitter veggie like peria, ulam-ulaman etc. the bitter the better.
2.sampai sini je dulu jap sebab ngantok plak.hahah.. xD k.adios people!