
gigi lagi

last Thursday my housemates and I went back to Shah Alam by KTM (kereta api malaysia), technically starting our day on Friday, with Mcdonald as breakfast treat by Shahna (aunt) and went straight to home, refreshing my self, at 3 p.m. had to rush off to Sunway as I had appoinment with dentist. my wisdom tooth teeth, made terrible aching but these two wont ever gonna beat the first one naa'ah..anyway anyhow, i was not feeling well jugak. as i dont know.. terok sgt my tummy was bergelora, my head was extremely dizzy, i felt like throwing up. funny thing,the minute i sampai je the clinic, i teros yelled out toilet mana??? ran teros ke toilet,and urhhh...ok tak jadi. my procedure dah delay dah...kesian the next patient.. my duration dah overlapped..

so, sampai rumah,after puking banyak kali, i started rasa nak demam. so ok, saket gigi + threw up + and demam + and angin sangat perot.. the next day, i went out KLCC for movie Puss in Boots with my family.. cerita dia,hurmm..it was okay lah. Recommending those yang belum tengok lagi,just wait for it to come out at Disney jela okay ;) so, makan popcorn macam tak ingat saya muntah semalam, and had the most pricey popcorn i had ever bought in my life :

Garrett popcorn: cheesecorn popcorn 
RM 31

ridiculous... but belom cuba belum tahu right ? : )

available in four flavours,go on check them at KLCC, just next to surau.. sape tak tahu surau mana memang tak semayang lah kan -.-
how about next to Haagen dasz? yup..it is over there. i forgot to snap a picture of the line people are willing to queue so looooong Zigzag-ly with the cheapest one at RM 16.. fuhh O_O 
[i was not the one who queued..]

and, i was hoping really hoped that i would not bump onto someone that i would know.. but things suka nak jadi jugak kan.because my cheek was swollen and a bit bloating view from side.(sebab cabut gigi,remember)..it was Sharif, my penang friend,i was sooo terrified gile tak tipu -.- malu i could not smile actually, and talk and do anything that requires me to stretch my lips ( it will move my gums) or opening mouth so big(disrupting my jammed jaw)

okay, i know i merapu terlebih.. one thing yang x merapu, during my holidays, i really..........badly.....missing this guy over here---->

now dah balik penang. but i am soo homesick ;( i dont know why...sgt rindu ibu ayah,rumah..bilik..semua..! but mission...kena ingat.huh.ok..bangun!!

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