
AK Flight relive :)

AK Flight. Nothing much i can say but grateful and thanking Allah for granting my dua' also Uzair for helping in my situation with AK Flight. yesterday, 10th November 2011, marked the day we finally broke everything up into what had been kept frozen in our hearts. i dont know what it was to her, but i felt so relieved. i love her as a friend i would not mind if it would not be the same as how it was back then but as long as between she and I, there will be no more hiding truth, no more hesitation to greet or smile, no more running away. i kept evading her. i could not help myself. i would be so torn seeing her laughing, but not with me.talking, but not to me. sharing, but not with me. she is funny, i am nothing. she is good in basketball, i suck. but i love her as a friend, i like to be taught, not to teach. here, at the early semester, we share best guy friend, Uzair. it was so much fun seeing them exchange jokes,haha, they always made up jokes. it was awesome and i love the memories that we had ,the three of us together.:)

 i never left anyone else behind eventhough i am now in a special relationship with Uzair. take my housemates as a proof. i treat them as my family, we quarrel like hell, we laugh together like there is no tomorrow, but we always do love each other i know that, we sense that, but never that good in expressing it towards each other (we express in texting :P), like a family.

i thought she left me because of i do not suit her comfort. but it's okay, as long as everything is back to normal.

i know she is tough, i am not sure if she feels the same way as i do.

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