
worth of 10 Ringgit Malaysia joy :)

Yesterday was supposed to be housemates outing. Turned out to be almost everyone made double-date, prompted me to drag Ujer along with the trip. Supposedly, not. So, as usual, we shop separately and the coolest thing i had bought, was a shelve! Wohoo.. finally my study table looks a lot more spacious than it was before. My mind always got wired to see things mess up all over the place, but one thing for sure, not my study table and wardrobe..na’ah. it’s like one cubical room taken out from my heart, extracted physically in the form of study table and wardrobe. Okay what the goldfish am i merapu ni. Do you know that goldfish has a memory span of only two seconds?
Anyway, the incredible miraculous part that happen yesterday was, i actually assembled 98% of everything myself! I could not believe it because we are not talking about Ikea’s where you have tutorial ,we are talking about RM 10 Jusco shelve! That’s why i bought it. Cheapest one, available in green only which matches with my notes board which is okay lah.. not bad. One shelve is enough to stack my scanner that took up half the space of my study table.

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