
nasi minyak

 nasi minyak. not oiled rice..nor butter rice. just nasi minyak..usually cook on weddings,aqiqah ( a hair-cutting ritual for the newly born baby) or etc.. so anyway,this afternoon i was like

saya: now?
dia: no no..wait tengah unpack lagi.
saya: okay okay.. takpe take your time and get some rest dulu. 

5minutes later
saya: now?
dia: jap ana..saya still tengah unpack.nanti saya call.
saya: okay okay..

10 minutes later 
hati saya: lamanya dia unpack barang dia

20 minutes later
saya: now? 
dia: err..ana.<ketawa kecil>..nanti saya telefon.tengah kemas-kemas lagi ni..sabar eyh.

i was so impatient because i missed him of course and i want nasi minyak!

the phone rang. brrp. brrp.

 eyes membulat. NASI MINYAK! jumped off my bed and


 ran down the stairs and bam! nasi minyak at doorstep :DD it's very kind of his mum to give some for me and not to mention it was a lot!

we exchange food/drink..he gave me nasi minyak and i gave him Arab imported mango drink.. and makan and minumlah kami di habitat masing-masing..end of story. sounds nonsense mutation ? :P

1 comment:

  1. mana ada nonsense. hahaha, sorry for keepin you waiting. btw that mango sure is tasty. :D
